
virtual coffee...& blog bravery...

i read some thoughts today about brave blogging...{see here}...
naomi is an inspirational australian blogger and a mother of 6 little cherubs...
if we were really meeting for a virtual coffee today- i'd have her pop over to share a pot with us...
we could sit in the garden together & talk about what she calls brave blogging...
i'd like to hear your thoughts...

the sun is shinning...i still have my hunters on..& i am still getting our herbs & lettuces sorted...
you could watch me...& chat...whilst i dig & carry...
grab a cup...ummm & the milk...& yep that plate of biscuits...
& i'll see you out there ;)
if we were really having a virtual coffee in my front garden, amongst the spades & roses, i'd invite another gorgeous blogger, whom i consider a wonderful sharing writer...
suzanne from *privet & holly*...{see here}

so now we are all here...tell me...
what do you think about blogging...the blogging where you speak from the heart...
regardless of what others may think?
perhaps you speak from the heart in real life...& therefore your blog is just an extension of your day to day self...
or perhaps you keep the two worlds separate...& you only share your crafts or love of gardening on your blog?
i don't think i can separate the two in my world...i write my blog to share my days...
i want my kids to be able to read all that we have shared together...
i want to record our time abroad in england...
i don't necessarily share my down moments...i suppose i don't want to live them again...
i like to reflect on the wonderful things we do...or have done...or plan to do...
i think that is a classic example of my attitude to life...an extension of my real life to my blogging life...

what do you think?
drink your coffee...have a biscuit...
the brits do great biscuits!
so if we were really meeting for a coffee today...
i'd ask you if you've become braver in your blogging?
i think this occurs anyway- as your blog takes shape- as you find your blogging mojo...
both suzanne & naomi are wonderful writers & incredible mothers...
are they brave?
are we lucky to have found them when they decided to share themselves?
if they were sitting in my front garden with us...i'd thank them for being themselves...
you may call them brave...you may think they simply share their thoughts...
i just think they are what we all strive to be...
happy, wise, fulfilled, loving, giving mothers & women...

if we were really meeting for a coffee this morning...
& i'd made you think long & hard about *bravery in blogging*...
i can promise you that i wouldn't also make you dig...or pick up all my hedge cuttings...or wheel my green bin out to the curb...
i'd just give you another bunch of lavender from the front garden...
{yep- miss.audrey has been at her lavender picking...lavender stew making...lavender bouquet making again -see here }
& thank you for making the time for me...as you do every week...
for popping past & saying *hi*...
for sharing thoughts...or just to look at the pickies...
that's what real blog bravery is about, as naomi says, sharing what your really believe & love with others...regardless of what a select few may think
so leave me a thought...or not...
enjoy your lavender...{again- bless her!}...

thanks miss.amy for hosting our virtual coffee
yep, you get the biggest bunch of lavender from miss.audrey cause we both love you


  1. i love the idea of brave blogging. i don't ususally enjoy blogs where the writer doesn't get real. i think there's such a thing as leaving something to the imagination, but if we're all friends, we've got to share from the heart. i hope i'm doing that :)

  2. M, you are such
    a doll and YES,
    you know I believe
    in sharing what's
    in my heart/mind/life
    just as you do. While
    I enjoy all sorts of
    blogs I find that the
    ones that are "real"
    are the ones the draw
    me back, again and
    again. Love you, girlie
    and thank Miss Audrey
    for the lavender, as
    well! Off to do last
    minute errands for my
    girl's trip.....
    xx Suzanne

  3. Your stacked tea cups drew me in...did you photograph them? They are so pretty that I could paint them. They just speak to my heart. Sorry I haven't been over here in a while, I see I have been missing out. You are one of those hidden beauties...my favorite kind of person. I blog from my life. I try to be as real as possible in my daily life and my blog I hope reflects the heart of me. I don't blog about the bad either, but that is because I desire to behold beauty daily and therefore I post a bit of the beauty I am beholding so I can reflect on it and for others...I have been told that my blog is like a refuge of peace. That makes me happy. I am not a gifted writer, but I do not let that hinder me. I want to give beauty...peace...kindness...calm...gentleness...goodness...understanding. I need more of these in my life. I think we all do.

  4. I'm a Brit expat living in Spain, and I have just found your wonderful blog. Yes, I love "brave blogging". Just don't get those blogs that just display images from glossy magazines.
    Do pop over to my blog where I posted something today, that I thought was quite brave/controversial ;-)
    Also love your images which just made me more homesick for the UK, especially your comments about the Brits doing great biscuits ;-)

  5. This was the perfect post for me to read today. I've neglected my blog for the past couple of months as I somehow seemed to have lost my direction. Today is the first day I've even looked at my blog in weeks. Now I'm inspired to become a braver blogger and I'm ready to get back in the saddle.

    Thanks for the coffee and the chat (if we really were meeting for a coffee I would have helped you dig the garden too!) x x

  6. I think the thing that has surprised me the most about blogging is my willingness to share things that otherwise would probably be left unsaid. And I am also surprised that I can feel an instant connection with some bloggers which means that I can say things to them because they have become friends, and so, yes, I think this is when I blog best. Or when blogging brings out the best in me. Sometimes I would like to be braver with my posts, and there is that little fear that holds me back. That fear of what people will really think, especially in village-like Wellington, where many people read and stalk but say nothing! I think I should just get over myself and do it anyway. Thanks for such a thought provoking post Melissa, and for introducing me to Naomi's blog.
    P.S I'd be happy to help dig! And those cups look so pretty.

  7. I how I wish I could just jump on a plane and come visit and have that hot drink with you. I would seriously love to get my hands dirty in the garden and get stuck into some digging and working with you in that sunshine you have happening in your backyard. Thanks so much for the shout out on your blog. So kind and so brave of you. Love, love, love those tea cups. Thanks gorgeous lady. N x

  8. Hi Melissa, I think people blog for different reasons. I think the very best of reasons is to journal life as a memory and keepsake for children. I use blogging as a a journal of what I make, create or find. I try to keep it real, it is all me, but I don't necessarily think that is brave, just honest. I focus on the good like you because that makes me happy, and that is what I do in real life too. I enjoy sharing the lives of others and can relate to joys and the trials. On the flip side just sharing some pretty pictures with someone who has a good eye for collating pictures is also a joy too. So I admire the brave bloggers, and love to share their thoughts because life is colorful, and not just rosey!
    I love and adore your images as usual, and the tea cups are especially gorgeous! Happy Wednesday! X

  9. I agree with Tiff - everybody blogs for their own reasons. For some, it's a creative outlet. For others, it's a business opportunity. For me, it's a creative outlet, and it's also a way that I strive to remain positive and optimistic in my life. So I mostly focus on the good stuff - not to be inauthentic, but to keep my mind on the positives. Every now and then I do feel the desire to let go and vent a little too. I love all kinds of blogs, but I am especially drawn to people like me - people who are trying to appreciate all the beauty in this life! Mostly, I agree it's about being authentic and honest.

  10. my blog is always a little bit of everything. Whatever God is putting on my heart. I do love to speak from the heart because I have found so much encouragement form my bloggy friends. Those coffee cups are gorgoues by the way!

  11. I'm not brave at all but at the same time I'm very happy with my blog. I'm really not sure where it's going to take me but, for now, I'm happy taking photos, chit chatting and progressing SJW. The deepest layer of this onion will stay wrapped up for now. gxo

  12. I've been getting braver in my blogging. I think I've been trying to find my voice...it's only been six months, so I'm a newbie. But it's coming along. I'm the equivalent of an open book in real life, so it's not to hard to spill it in the blog. I only need to censor myself when it comes to bitching about work or my hubby...complaining about those two things could get me in trouble. :-)

    Thanks for the lavender and the coffee. Have a great week.

  13. thanks for meeting up for coffee! you have a beautiful blog. so nice to meet you here. i'm a new follower! i'm all about brave blogging. that's where real relationships and learning happen, i believe...inside vulnerability, acceptance and unconditional love.

  14. Hello you. Brave blogging... my life is so up and down... but like you, I don't like to linger on the lows. The simple act of tapping away on this old keyboard, makes me forget the yucky parts of the day and focus on the good. A close friend referred to my blog as 'A place for twee'... ouch... cut me deep, but you know what? This old blog marlarkey helps me focus, stay happy (cos I'd be a liar if I said there weren't moments where I felt like grabbing the vino before lunch... through blogland I have met wonderful people like you. I steal away a few minutes each day to catch up on you and your life. Even though it's all virtual, I feel as though I have found a kindred spirit. A friend. Enjoy the bikkies. Have a malted milk for me (my favourite). Take care. Lx

  15. Brave blogging? I think everyone who shares any part of themselves through a blog is in some way a brave blogger.
    I hover on the line of 'safe' and 'newsy' and occasionally dip into 'reflective mode'. Writing something from the heart feels good, but it's not that comfortable for me yet...
    I enjoy reading a variety of blogs. I get inspired by some of the glossy images, I enjoy a peek into the everyday life of others and I am often moved by some of the 'share it all' writers. I love it!
    Thank you for making me stop and think a little about my style...and for the coffee and lavender...and the biscuits (I treated us to some imported HobNobs the other day).

  16. I love your idea with Brave Blogging. Now, most of everyone blogs about all the little things they did that day, which is pointless. People really do need to write with their hearts! They also SHOULD step out of their comfort zone and take chances!

  17. People should do more BRAVE BLOGGING! I love how you say that people should be confident of themselves and BE PASSIONATE!

  18. I think I'm becoming more brave in my blogging over time. And I think being brave doesn't necessarily mean hanging out all your dirty laundry for everyone to see (in fact, I don't appreciate blogs that spend time talking trash about husbands or in-laws or whoever else they're having problems with). You don't have to share all the details just to be real.

    I think the way in which I've become braver is that I'm more willing to explore that which I don't know. Before, I would write things about which I was certain. Now I share my uncertainties, my anxieties...the things for which there aren't always answers.

  19. Ah, Miss Melissa, Naomi is just the best, such a brilliant cheerleader and supporter of mine in Blogland. Bless her. I'm into brave blogging. I don't know any other way. As are you, Suzanne and Naomi - three of my dearest bloggy friends. A fabulous and heartfelt post. J x

  20. Sawasdee ka *-*
    I come to visit you blog naka


Thanks for taking a moment...x