
*Get Your Christmas Craft On*- Day 4


Day 4 of some Christmas crafting...and this one is the easiest, happiest, simplest, loveliest 10 minute job before the big day, I could throw at you!

I'm flipping doily obsessed  a doily lover, like many of us that blog and read, and craft and blog, and read and *PIN*...

They are timeless...clever...and come in both fabric (for us serious collectors- yes Liz Troy!) and paper which allows you endless craft ideas!

Mason jars, filled with Christmas goodies and wrapped in string and a fabric doily- H.E.A.V.E.N. in my small world!

Beautiful soaps, wrapped in a fabric doily and beautiful, simple fabric ribbon- D.I.V.I.N.E- teacher's present done!

This craft, using paper doilies is fab- perfect for a little Christmas cheer- but simple enough to leave up ALL year...

In the past I have folded larger doilies in half and sewn the strings in the centre (find that *How To* here)...making for lovely paper bunting that stretches across rooms, and windows, and costs virtually nothing in both your time and money...

This year, I decided to make falling strings of doilies- a little like snow flakes- to fill an empty frame we have hanging above our sofas.

You need nothing but a small bag of doilies, any size...and your sewing machine!

If you don't own a sewing machine...or if you're thinking this is the perfect craft to palm off to to share with the kids, and their friends...
Then string or cotton, could be taped to the centre of each doily...(a small piece of invisible tape would do the job).

This is truly the best *10 minute festive DIY*.

I've got wee little nails in the top of my frame up there on the wall...they are at pretty random lengths- totally the way I work when it comes to quick crafting- and are strong enough to bung up a string of paper doily bunting, or to hang some fairy lights and Christmas deco's I can't bare to pack away.

Day 4- *Too Easy Paper Doily Bunting*...E.N.J.O.Y

I also have a stash of coloured paper doilies, gorgeous for birthday parties...this is a craft for every event in your calender!

Happy 10 Minute Crafting...

Melissa xox


  1. Back from Cali, sitting snug in
    a little coffee shop, catching up
    on all your festive posts. You know
    I adore you and your style! I am
    adding battery fairy lights to my
    shopping list, as the electric ones
    restrict my creativity! Also need to
    collect sticks before the snow flies!

    Thank you for sharing these sweet
    ideas in the midst of this busy season.
    Not sure how you are able to finish
    all of the projects that you do, but
    am very grateful that you do!

    Happy Day,
    xo Suzanne

  2. Clever clever clever! I love paper doilies too. Something about the way they are punched and how you have to peel them apart. And they look so pretty. I must get Miss 15 onto this - we need to find ways to fill that long school break.

  3. I LOVE crafting for the holidays! Looking forward to seeing your ideas as part of Alicia's Handmade Holidays Series!!!!!!

  4. Just beautiful..simple, stunning! Thanks for sharing..loving your posts :)


Thanks for taking a moment...x

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